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Civil wars that broke out in England between supporters of the House of Lancaster and the

Civil wars that broke out in England between supporters of the House of Lancaster and the House of York in the 15th century are also known as

A.the Seven Years" War.

B.the Hundred Years" War.

C.the Wars of Roses.

D.the War of Independence.


  • —Why was the price of bread sohigh that year?—()the war broke out.A.AsB.SinCeC.ForD.BeCaus

  • Many people were injured in the______fighting that broke out between the demonstrators and

  • When did the American Civil War break out?A.1775.B.1812.C.1861.D.1863.

  • The World War I broke out on June 28th,______A.1914.B.1917.C.1815D.1918

  • The English Civil Wars broke out in the______.A.1630sB.1640sC.1650sD.1660s

  • There are fears that political ________ in the region will lead to civil war.A instab